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Waiting for your Instagram to grow?

Stuck waiting for your Instagram profile to take off? Don't fret! While it may seem like an uphill battle, there are a number of things you can do in the meantime to ensure that when your Instagram does take off, you're ready for it:

Clean Up Your Profile

Start by sprucing up your profile.. Can potential new followers understand what you do or offer at a glance? Is it easy for them to contact you? Are your highlights updated and do the links in bio work? This might seem like basic housekeeping, but it's surprising how many Instagram profiles are cluttered and confusing. Having a clean, professional-looking profile can greatly increase the likelihood of gaining new followers.

Nurture Your Audience

While you're waiting for your follower count to increase, don't forget about your OG followers. These are your core audience, and they're crucial to your Instagram success. Use the interactive stickers in Stories to find out what your audience wants and create more of that content. Keep them engaged and interested, and they're more likely to share your posts with their own followers, increasing your reach.

Queue an Intro Post

Have an "about me" post ready to go for when you get a big influx of followers. This can be repurposed from info you've shared before. This lets new followers know who you are, what you do, and why they should follow you. It's a great way to introduce yourself and set the tone for your Instagram presence.

Get an Outside Opinion

Finally, consider getting an Instagram audit or outsourcing it to a specialist. This can provide valuable insights into what's working, what's not, and what you can do to improve. It can be the nudge you need to reach your goals and make your Instagram profile a success.

So, don't just twiddle your thumbs waiting for your Instagram to grow. Use this time to get your profile in tip-top shape and create an engaged audience. And, who knows, with a little bit of luck and a lot of hard work, your Instagram dreams could be just around the corner!