Do salesy posts annoy your social media followers?

Afraid of annoying your followers with yours salesy posts? We've all been traumatized by Facebook posts asking us to like and share 'or else'… However, your followers DO need a reminder. They need to know about your latest blog post, to check out your new arrivals, or to share your post with a friend who gets it. So, how do you do this without sounding too salesy or pushy? That's what I'm here to help you with.

Woman shopping sales with the text: Afraid of annoying your followers with sales pitches?

Every time you post on Instagram, ask yourself: what do you want to achieve with this post? Do you want people to buy your product, be entertained, or educate them? Whatever the answer, there's a call-to-action for that!

Understanding Your Objective

First things first, you need to understand what you want to achieve with your post. Is it to get people to buy your product? Is it to entertain them? Or maybe you want to educate them about something? The first step in crafting a call-to-action (CTA) that doesn't annoy your followers is to be clear about your objective.

Creating a Call-to-Action (CTA)

Once you know your objective, it's time to create your CTA. A CTA is simply a prompt that encourages your followers to take a specific action. This could be anything from clicking on a link, sharing your post, or buying a product. The key to creating a CTA that isn’t annoying is to make it relevant, engaging, and easy to act upon.

Engaging Your Followers

One of the best ways to engage your followers without annoying them is by providing value. This could be in the form of informative content, entertaining posts, or exclusive deals and offers. When your followers feel like they're getting something out of your posts, they'll be more likely to engage with your CTAs. Here are some content ideas if you need them.

Don't be afraid to promote your products or services on Instagram. Your followers need reminders, but it's all about how you do it. Be clear about your objectives, create engaging CTAs, and always provide value. Remember, the goal is to engage and build relationships with your followers.

Comment below with your most used CTA and share this post if you found it useful!


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