5 ideas for Pinterest content

2024 Update: Last year, Pinterest removed the option to create Idea pins, instead creating an all-encompassing format called Simplified Pin. While the original purpose of this article was to inspire with Idea Pins content ideas, you can easily use the same starting points for your simplified pins.

The world of social media marketing is ever-evolving, and one platform that continuously makes waves is Pinterest. Among the many features that Pinterest offers, Idea Pins have carved a niche for themselves. They are a unique way to share content in a visually rich and engaging format. But how do you create compelling Idea Pins that grab attention and drive engagement? Here are some ideas:


Pinterest users have always loved tutorials. They are a great way to share your expertise in a format that's easy to follow and visually appealing. Whether it's a DIY project, a new recipe, or a how-to guide, tutorials are always welcome. You can share your tutorial in a video or photo sequence format. Make sure your instructions are clear and easy to understand. Here is an example.


Another great way to utilize Idea Pins is to showcase your latest product collection in a single post. This can be particularly useful for businesses looking to promote their products. Make sure to add a text overlay with information that people may be interested in. Providing detailed information about your products can help users make informed decisions and boost your sales.

Behind the Scenes

People are always curious about what goes on behind the scenes of a business. Sharing a sneak peek into your day-to-day operations can be a great way to engage your audience. You can create a stop-motion video of you packing an order, crafting your product, or ticking off tasks from your to-do list. This kind of content not only humanizes your brand but also builds trust among your audience.

News and Announcements

Just like Instagram Stories, Idea Pins can be a great way to announce upcoming promotions, collections, launches, etc. Adding captions to your pins can help you reach more people and ensure that your message gets across effectively. Whether you're launching a new product or announcing a sale, an Idea pin can help you spread the word. I’ve used this infographic to promote a related digital product.

Repurposing Content

Repurposing content is a smart way to maximize your reach without having to create content from scratch. If you have videos on Reels or TikTok, you can upload them as Idea Pins. You can also resize Instagram carousels to fit the Pinterest format. Additionally, you can use excerpts from your blog posts to create informative and engaging Idea Pins. Here is an example of a Reel I’ve repurposed on Pinterest.

Need more Pinterest advice? You can read the answers to many FAQ here.


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