Posting at random doesn’t help your Instagram reach your ideal clients - what to do instead

Instagram is definitely a powerful tool for self-expression… and marketing. If you've ever felt the pressure to post something asap and ended up with a post that flopped, you're not alone. Here’s what you may have done wrong:

The Common Mistake: Posting Randomly

How you post on Instagram right now

Many of us feel the pressure to just post something. We snap a pic or scroll through our photos, come up with a quick caption, maybe add a couple of hashtags like “coffee” or “tgif”. Yet, our post flops. The disappointment leads many to take a break from Instagram, declaring they’ve personally attacked by the algorithm and that Instagram marketing doesn’t work.

So why does this happen? The answer is simple: lack of strategy. When posting without a clear goal or understanding of our audience, it's hart to create engaging content that resonates.

The Solution: Posting with Strategy

How you should post on Instagram

What if I told you there's a better way to post on Instagram? A way that not only increases engagement but also takes the pressure off of having to constantly come up with new content.

Here's the strategy: know your niche and content pillars. This means understanding your audience and what they want to see from you. Once you've identified your niche, you can then create content pillars(aka categories) that your posts will fall under. This gives you a clear direction for your content and makes it easier to come up with ideas.

Speaking of ideas, you should be writing them down all the time. Whenever inspiration strikes, jot it down. This way, you always have a bank of content ideas to pull from.

Another useful strategy is to take batch photos and videos or batch create graphics. This means setting aside time to create multiple pieces of content at once. Not only does this save time in the long term, but it also ensures you always have content ready to post.

Along with creating your content, you should be writing captions and scheduling your posts in advance. This takes the pressure off of having to come up with a caption on the spot and allows you to plan out your content in a way that aligns with your overall strategy. Have a hashtag strategy at the ready so you don’t waste your time with huge hashtags that won’t bring anyone to your post.

And remember, consistency is key. Even if a post flops, don't let that discourage you. Keep posting consistently and remember that you have others coming. Not every post is going to be a hit, and that's okay. What's important is that you're showing up consistently and providing value to your audience.

By using these strategies, you'll not only take the pressure off of posting but also increase your engagement and connection with your audience. Remember, Instagram is about more than just posting pretty pictures. It's about building relationships and providing value. And with these strategies, you can do just that.


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Waiting for your Instagram to grow?